MC 1%er club members also referred to as patch holders are serious Bikers they ride hard and play hard. Respect is mandatory they are sworn Brothers and represent their patch and colors. Some home grown, some National there are even International Clubs the road they ride is done with pride.
MC (Motorcycle Club) patch holders have rails above and below stating club and territory that they claim as their own. Starting your own Motorcycle Club may seen fun but there are rules to this and you must come correct. Knowing who holds the rights in your part of the country is your first business at hand. Arrange a meeting to discuss terms if any they will accept and working out the details and follow through. Should you decide to just go out get a patch made with some nice looking rails and start blazing trails around the territory. Don't be surprised if you end up with a black eye and picking your patches of the ground. Some will give you a heads up others won't. Patch History goes back many years 1935 The McCook Outlaws Motorcycle Club was established out of Matilda`s Bar on old Route 66 in McCook, Illinois. Outlaws made history not only the first Motorcycle Club but the first patch holders and you may not know the first to have MC on their patch though it stood for McCook. Hells Angels claim to be the first Motorcycle Club and were formed in 1948 March the 17th not first but very well known. Becoming a patch holder can be very difficult if not impossible for some, more serious clubs pick you not the other way around. Brothers make you earn your right by going through a probationary period this can last months even years to gain the privilege of wearing and sharing their Brotherhood and patch colors. MC life is not for everyone take a long look at your self before you decide, it's a long hard ride with benifits and a price.
Mind your own business stay out of theirs should come across one and your told to move along start walking. Choosing not to wear a patch doesn't make you meek but the ones that do are not among the weak. AMA (American Motorcycle Association) in 1947 referring to the Motorcycle Culture & Lifestyle, to the press, suggested that out of 99% of all motorcycles riders, only 1% are Bad. Thus the Outlaw Bikers Gangs were labeled as the 1%ers. Which are just that a small percentage of Bikers. Don't have to wear a patch to be a 1%er nor do have to be bad to be a Biker. Though get used to the fact that a real Biker can spot a wanna be quickly though maybe friendly will keep some distance between you on the road. You'll hear other terms like wanna be some referred to as yuppie bikers even weekender. How can you tell if your a wanna be? Well you can trade your clothes for leather but it's how you handle the bad weather. Check out some of the MC links and get to know a little more about them don't be surprised to find it's not for you that's why there are so few. Push comes to shove a 1%er is worth at least three weekenders, if it comes to war seven or more. Wanna join up don't think, know what your doing and how to handle your self and your machine. Remember there is nothing wrong with a wanna be, just how close you ride next to me. Click the list link below and check out some of the MC clubs web sites and look them over. |
Motorcycle Clubs Listed in Alphabetical Order |
What are patch holders 1%er and MC
A Aberdeen Cruiser Club (Scotland) ACCI Riders MC (Spain) Accrington MCC (UK) ...
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MC 1%er club members also referred to as patch holders are serious Bikers they ride hard and play hard. Respect is mandatory they ...