what is not stolen lost or forgotten is what we leave behind images in time
This is an early image for me a Photoshop creation though most of what I do begins as a sketch in a pad. Truly it's not until recently I decided to begin trying to compile what remains to make them available to whomever is interested. Most of the drawings, carvings, sketches, and other creations that I've done are gone nothing lasts for ever not even the Earth and sky.
Maybe just wanted to share what little I have left to give. Hopefully you can begin to understand how grungy street kid that started out in the country didn't graduate from high school turned everything around. Went back to school graduated got a degree and I did it for me.
Maybe just wanted to share what little I have left to give. Hopefully you can begin to understand how grungy street kid that started out in the country didn't graduate from high school turned everything around. Went back to school graduated got a degree and I did it for me.
This was a signature image I threw together for some forgotten forum lost at the edge of the digital universe no longer remembered and reused in fifty more.
This was similar by design but rarely used I became critical over the broken cross appearance so I stopped using it. Very surprised I happened to find it hovering around in another blogs data storage.
"The Morning After" relentless this signature took me forever and I was never truly done with it I must have edited this one a thousand times always coming back to this so maybe I was done after all.
This little number started as a blog banner ended as an icon enjoyed working on it never used it what a waist of time.
Favorite of all the machines over my life time my Street Glide is one of the best by far Harley Davidson really did well creating this number. Wanted to change a few things like spoke rims, lower it two inches and would have preferred a blacked out look. But I wouldn't get off the damn thing long enough. Perfect fit for a guy my size this was what people would call my bar hopper. Having added my old page 404 error image to edge after my accident seemed deserved upon loosing it afterward.
Monster well that's what I looked like riding my Night Train loved the the design and the low lines of her. Just to small under me it seemed tiny but fun to tool around on. Almost made me wish I was shorter or at least a bit smaller.
This image I stripped the color and the foreground and background with just a small amount of aging to give it a rough look I like it. The one below I added to show what a simple sketched edge and tiny shadow can really do for an overall image.
Never even received any comments at all on this compilation though it's not a real construction intensive project I liked it.
This an inverted version of the image above gives people who don't really understand what big changes you get from simple actions.
Completely slips my mind what site, can't go wrong with the American flag and motorcycles. Was never paid for it so "mine ... all mine". This will go great in my current project post.
Las Vegas Nevada was my drop and load out when I dreamed this asset up though there were was big changes from this version. The PSD is missing so I can't reclaim the first version. The Luxor Casino was just off the left edge with the sun set still in the upper left corner.
"Stoli" was one of those pets that really changes a persons life. Trained to a combination of snaps and tones I never shared the commands with anyone and now I can't find him. Lost my Stoli Boy but I found a flying Chalupa yea figure that one out.
Pretty simple edit six layers this was actually winter grass was brown and it was cloudy. Through some hoop jumping and a little imagination Stoli gets a yellow halo effect on brilliant green grass.
Pretty simple edit six layers this was actually winter grass was brown and it was cloudy. Through some hoop jumping and a little imagination Stoli gets a yellow halo effect on brilliant green grass.