
Man eating chihuahua viciously attacks disabled man on his bed. Terrible I couldn't believe it climbed upon his sleeping body cocking her head to give him the evil eye as she strikes just as he awakes with ninja like moves she is upon him without warning the destruction was tremendous. She has been a true blessing in our lives.

( There you have the head with twigs ok I didn't look any better when she flew in and now my partner in crime lol just showed up in the nick of time don't tell anyone I have a dog to dress up I will deny, deny, deny! IT'S A LIE I DENY IT! LMAO! )

Precious came on the scene flying through the air, thrown out a moving car window was story I was told. She was really just a head with little twigs sticking out. She decided to stay as an addition to the team with her own desire to ride she loves to ride! When I get ready to leave she knows what I'm doing as I'm getting dressed. She gets so excited I have her first ride I really didn't know how she would react.
 ( Just no other way to look at it she is fat and happy. She's got her sweeter on with full belly and a smile as she slips into her nap time resting up for another day and her first motorcycle ride. Which she passed with flying colors. She was so excited she really didn't know what to think until I took her out for a little ride. )

( Nothing says SUCKER like that look she has now! She is very smart for such a  small dog she's very surprising. When we got her you could tell she had been hurt by someone before. Picking up my back scratcher she fled the scene and under the bed she went wouldn't come out until I put it away. )

Dynamically changed by actual food rather then the junk food junky she was. Take a gander at her laid up in the bed after dinner in her sweeter what a change in deed. She is truly Precious which I have found is another name she answers too. My friends have named her Precious and I had named her Chalupa the chihuahua when you see her run she squats down close to the ground and away she goes she seems to float the way she fly's around will have to get her on video it's crazy looking. Like a little boat she floats lol. She knows when I get out the camera it's almost scary the way she acts around me and the camera.