
Amazon Terror and the Res://aaResources.dll/104” error, Amazon 1Button App

1. Open Task Manager

2. Select Services Tab

3. Locate Amazon 1Button App Service it will be running

4. Right click stop service

5. Right click select open services

6. Locate Amazon 1Button App Service

7. Right click select Properties

8. Locate Startup type it will be Automatic

9. Click the drop down menu and select Disabled

10. Done now for Amazon Assistant Service just wash, rinse and repeat!

Amazon 1Button App Service - Description: The Amazon 1Button App Service provides easy Internet Explorer access and automatic updates

Amazon Assistant Service - Description: Amazon Assistant Service provides easy Internet Explorer access and automatic updates

After searching multiple engines and running virus ware app after app not one even found the issue and ever DIY post didn't help me at all this is how I put a stop to the Internet Explorer 404 error and the Amazon Terror Amazon 1Button App and the Amazon Assistant. 


Forgive the absence I crashed in 2007 I shouldn't have lived I came up on a low speed S curve at a high rate of speed. Tried to take it but the machine just couldn't grab pavement with the fine powder sand we get on back roads in Florida. My ride went down struck me in the face and came too in the woods with the bike on top of me. Sweating so bad I couldn't believe it I actually rang out my shirt. Sweat just kept pouring over my face so I wiped back across my shaved head when I found a hole in my head gash, hole what ever it was seven inches long and bleeding severely. Taking my shirt I made a compress with it. Don't remember it but I walked to a near by house and asked for help. Almost passed out leaning against the edge of their front door when it came open. Must have been a real mess the poor teenage girl that answered the door screamed. Putting her hand to her mouth she called out for her father. Not real sure happened then ...

Next thing I know they have me in a rescue helicopter and it's taking off just as this guy sitting near me says it ok and I'm going to give you some to help you feel better. Waking to some crazy bitch with a scrub brush actually scrubbing out my head injury then out I go again. Coming too with some ass hole going crazy on my skull with a staple gun grabbing his hand I told him do that again I'm knocking you the fuck out. Out again I awoke outside the hospital in the bushes no lie. They released a head injury victim with out any care of another person. There's actually a main street with heavy traffic not 30 feet away.

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